
I shiver at the tought of having such uninformed people calling
themselves RDs.  But it happens.  The best come back you can present this
person and whatever comitte you need to convince is the work done by the
National Academy of Sciences :  "Nutrition durign Lactation".  This
committe has reviewed all the available data on the topic and the
conclusions are that you do not have to have a RD perfect diet to make
good milk.  When   you think about it it makes sense.  In the old days
women's bodies were much more stressed and nutrition not nearly as
abundant and varied than in our country today (over nutrition is now the
main problem: look at the incidence of obesity).  So in evolutionary
terms, our bodies had to adapt to adverse conditions to be able to have
the race survie and for us to be here to talk about it today!!!.

Good luck]
