I took a while to come to terms with mothers who "give up". I have decided
that I have to re evaluate my definition of "success".
Some women fall into the "precious" category. They seem to have been brought
up with the adage that "life was meant to be easy" and fall in a heap early
in the breastfeeding peice. They say when asked how long they want to feed
for ,'I'll see how it goes". these are the ones I like to inspire! If you
give them 24 h r support etc they often come around and go on for ever.
Others seem to be very determined they do all the things you ask of them,
sometimes spending a heap of monty on breastpumps etc. When you speak to
them during the following days they don't actually "do" what you have asked
of them (lack of commitment?) there is always an excuse, Oh my husband
wasn't home to help, I  had to use the pacifier as we had friends over. I'll
start on Monday and then when they give up perhaps  they can say to
themselves "I did all I could, I even used a LC but I couldn't breastfeed"
So in the end I make sure I have given them all the facts, to make an
informed decision, and then make sure they know that I am here for the next
baby and hope they don't go through the greiving process I went through when
my 2nd took to the bottle at 6 months. We can only do what we can do, and at
least you have enabled that baby to have a couple of weeks extra breastmilk
which is better than none at all.
There are so many differant people in the world and people often do what we
don't expect.
I have to go now and put my kids to bed, it is 3oC here in Melbourne at the
moment and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the snow is falling for
school holidays at the end of June so we can ski.Think of me while you are
all sweating in Vermont or wherever, I am wearing multiple layers of clothes!!
Sorry to go on and on!
Regards Jackie Cesnik IBCLC ( for Yaffa!)