From: Becky Behre

Debby B.,
Sorry your'e having such a hard week.  When I am faced with a quitter with
flimsy excuses I let them know what I think "your'e overwhelmed aren't you"
"your tired of it" and ask them to be honest.  Then I let them know that it
is OK to supplement if that is what it takes to get them through for a
while.  I tell them to "take a break" and try a few OZ's, but encourage
them not to quit entirely.  Sometimes just giving them "permission"
to supplement once in a while will get them over a difficult time.  I
tell them to stick with a fixed amount of ABM (x # ozes) so that
baby isn't taking more and more of ABM and less and less of what
God has provided.

Becky B.  Moscow, Idaho