Dear Alicia, there is certainly good documentation that supportive medical
professionals who counsel women prenatally can be factors in improving
breastfeeding rates and incidence. Perhaps instead of referring to the use
of community groups for prenatal support, the focus could be on the use of
a breastfeeding class, and the simple counseling of the OB/FP/PEDs
prenatally.  I never refer women to community groups, I only set women up
for classes prenatally, and of course I talk to them ad nauseum prenatally.
Gary Freed has lots of good references on this topic from his JAMA article
from earlier this year.  When ever I am on this computer at home, I am away
from my office, where I have all my references.
On the topic of dental caries, I have this cooking, but not on the top of
the pile.  I have to take my FP boards again in July (the 6 year mark) and
am preparing the stuff for our board meeting for 7/75.  Anyway, I still am
motivated, and would like to do a policy statement from ABM. If you are any
further along on this topic, do you have any interest in being a leader on
this subject for the board? Please let me know.
If I can provide any references for you for prenatal education enhancing
breastfeeding success, let me know-Anne Eglash