
I'm excited to tell you that the latest unit of the Lactation Consultant
Series - Breastfeeding and Candidiasis - was at the printers this week and
will be available at the ILCA Conference as well as from LLLI, and Birth and
Life. Written by Lisa Amir, Kay Hoover and Chris Mulford, and edited by yours
truly, it's an excellent resource (in my humble, biased opinion) for all of
us who tear our hair out helping mothers and babies with thrush.
 The unit covers microbiology of candida, predisposing factors, symptoms and
diagnosis, a candida history questionnaire, pharmacological management incl.
meds available in the US, Australia and Canada, plus treatment and care
 Another great resource is a sheet of color photos of nipple and oral thrush
combined with referenced clinical information which Kay Hoover has produced
independently. Anyone who wants further info about obtaining this could
e-mail me (I'm not sure what the advertising protocol is on Lactnet).

Hope this helps!

Beverley Rae, MSW, CSW IBCLC
Manhasset, NY
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