Thanks so much for your reply about moms who quit.  I too allow this when mom
feels that she is doing what is best for her and her baby.  I haven't ever
tried telling them about starting up again but I will.
When I have moms who plan to quit, I shift my focus to the benifits of what
she's done so far, my moto is any breastfeeding is successful breastfeeding.
 I then relate how even just a few days or weeks will help her baby.  Women
today have so many pressures and guilt that we need to give every mom we can
the gift of trust in themselves, that yes, regardless of what anyone thinks,
(including LC) they know whats right for them and their baby.  I also try to
leave them with the belief that  "As a parent, we need to be comfortable with
the knowledge that we do the best we can, with what we have and know at the
Again thank you all for your words of wisdom, there are days when you need to
here that you are not alone in this sometimes difficult work.

Linda Rosetti RN, IBCLC