Melissa -
My husband and I are going to Chicago.  He to the Physician's Seminar (he's a
gastroenterologist) and I to the LLLI Conference (I'm a LLL leader).  My
husband is originally from Chicago so we'll get to stay with "Grandma" for a
I have three kids - 10, 6 and 2.  I've been in LLL for 10 years, and a leader
for eight.  I'm sitting for the exam this July (supressed shiver of anxiety)
in San Francisco.  I live in western Massachusetts, but my youngest (still
bf) and I will stay with my best friend in SF, so she can hold my hand before
and after the exam (and watch my 2 year old during it).
I think it would be great to have a Lactnet table at lunch one day at the
LLLI conference.  Hope to meet many of you in Chicago!
Cynthia Dillon Payne