I, too have been following the discussion of universal precautions and day
care issues with great interest.  I have  called around to a variety of LCs I
know practicing in hosptial and also in private practice.  None of the
 contacts I know are currently using gloves, etc. to assist woment in
breastfeeding, even in the hospital.  Essentially they use the same approach
as to providing care for the baby.   Gloves are used until the baby has had
initial bath, after that, no gloves unless changing a diaper, suctioning
(more than bulb suctioning), etc.  We seem to take the same approach with
breastfeeding women- no gloves unless handling bloody nipples, assessment of
infant suck, etc.  I have concerns about appearing "paranoid" about
breastmilk and breastfeeding.  There is a not so subtle message, that will
definately be carried through to day care settings.  I have one client who
was told by her day care providers that they would not handle breastmilk at
all, so she bought them a box of latex gloves to use when handling her baby
during feeding time!  Elaine Webber