Kathleen, - If the nausea stems from rioting hormones, the
frequent small meals, cracker-snacking is very good. I would like
to suggest in addition (evening sickness remains a vivid memory!)
sucking on something very sour, like a lemon.
- If the nausea stems from depression, debility, exhaustion
(twins, you said?), oats is recommended. I myself am fond of
chamomille tea to calm and relax me.
- Is this mom resting at all? (A friend of mine with twins
complained of not having time to - um - powder her nose.)
Breastfeeding uses up energy, double it for twins, and exhaustion
is often accompanied with nausea, at least it is for me!
- Last is, if none of the above, she needs to talk with mental
health professional. Was this mother prepared for twins? People
sometimes react strangely to surprises....
Good luck with this group and let us know what helps. My daughter
says she wants twins, I told her she doesn't. Judy Knopf