Thank you to those of you who offered suggestions re my client, who wanted
a homebirth, but ended up at hospital with a c/s.
Most of you were thinking along the lines of inhibition of MER. However, I
don't think this was a problem - I actually witnessed a little leakage, etc
and there were other signs that this was working OK. It was more of a lack
of volume being produced. One of the miwife/LC's who saw her on day 3 in
the hospital felt she may have had a severe psychological reaction, as
everything that she had planned re homebirth, etc. had gone so terribly
wrong. She had seen this sort of thing once before, and the mother's milk
did not come in until she had been given a chance to grieve properly for
the experience lost.

Anyway, to bring you up to date for those interested, she managed to find a
further 3 mothers willing to donate breastmilk as well as her own sister
who was wet nursing and expressing for her. The baby is now gaining weight
and all other signs appear better (wet & dirty nappies, more alert and
demanding, more energy, etc), and is feeding better at the breast with a
Supply Line (supplementer). The amount of donor milk taken from Supply Line
seems to be decreasing. There never did appear to be a definite coming in
of the milk, but stimulation seems to be increasing its volume slowly.

Joy Anderson
Western Australia