I will hit my library tomorrow to copy the article if it got to press. Please
fill us in on how things turned out.

Funny I was called friday (maybe something is up & we don't know about it
yet)  to do an interview with our local  TV 2 news (FOX) in detroit for the
monday 10 pm news cast 6-19-95.  Reporter stated interest was since most
doctors know so little about breastfeeding. What questions mom should ask her
care providers before & during early breastfeeding to make sure it goes well.
 The reporter also asked if i could have a client present. we'll see how it
goes & if it gets on the air.  She stated that she remembered me on a
interview last year about Michigans Breastfeeding law and get this she
actually told me that I was the breastfeeding expert (hope I don't blow it
under all the pressure) ;)

Will fill you all in on how it went monday night

Anne (the pharmacist)
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