Martha dear, oh queen of bugs and etceteras.

I do hope your newspaper carried the same wonderful article the Chicago
Tribune did this morning (Sunday).  While perusing to see if the NY Times
article had been picked up, I couldn't help but chuckle and think of our 'net
discussions when I read this headline:  "Hold the pickle and lettuce; eating
bugs shouldn't upset us."  They didn't mention calcium, but apparently
roasted leaf-cutter ants taste like bacon.  In Thailand, grasshopeers are
gathered in rural areas and sold in city markets in what has become a $6.5
million a year industry.  Fried termites taste like french fries, crunchy &
delicous.  "It is estimated that some 500 species of insect - grasshoppers,
crickets, caterpillars, termites, aquatic insects, bees, wasp broods - all
appear on menus somewhere in our world.  Dried insects are 60 to 70 percent
protein; when reconstituted are about 20% protein, very similar to red meat.
 Caterpillars & termites contain 6 to 7 calories per gram, more than almost
any other food.  They are lycine-rish and supply iron, especially important
to pregnant women; zinc, thiamine and riboflavin.


Cooling cabbage gel?  And what do we do with that?  Vanilla cream for the
nipples?  Will that counteract the vanilla scented pacifiers that R--s Labs
graciously gives to hospitals??

It is H-O-T and sunny here in Chicago...  'bout time....  everyone is off to
the pool 'cept me; oh well.  :(

Jan B.

P.S. Kathleen - make my T-shirt XL.