Word to the wise among us.  When young girls are "budding," often the young
nipple looks inverted (particularly the center portion). That usually takes
care of itself over time.  So if a daughter (or friend of a daughter)
expresses concern, reassure her that Mother Nature makes sure most such
nipples come all the way out, partiuclarly when the time comes for them to
be used to feed a baby!

Love these stories about children.  Will add one of my own.

When my son was 10, we were visiting friends from out-of-town (at their
house). Their daughter was also 10 and had nursed until just before her 6th
birthday.  The kids were discussing breastfeeding (why not, their mothers
did!)  :-)

In the car driving home 512 miles, Doug and I got to talking. He turned to
me and said, "I just can't see WHY anyone would want to nurse until they
are 6. Seems too old to me!"

Ever the academic-oreinted mom, I reassured him that the child was probably
doing so for special time and comfort, not necessarily for food.  Then I
got smart and asked him, "How long do you think a baby should nurse?"

He thought a moment, and said, "Six is too long.  Four seems long enough to
me." (dead serious)  PS he weaned just beofre his 2nd birthday.

I concluded that any child at 10 who thinks nursing til 4 years is ok would
make a dandy breastfeeding father!  (He is single and very handsome and
exceeding smart!--anyone have a daughter of marriageable age?  I"m a firm
believer in arranged marriages!!)

 %% "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities      %%
 %% brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."            %%
 %% definition of a lactation consulting service.               %%
 %% Kathleen G. Auerbach,PhD, IBCLC - [log in to unmask]          %%
 %% Homewood, Illinois USA                                      %%
