Thanks for all the answers for my mom with "possible" ulcer.
Talked to her this evening and she says she quit BF :(  But she
also says she "still" has milk.  Told her all your info and said
that to remember that BM does not dry up in a few days, if she was
interested in going back to the breast.
In the BF class I taught Monday night, one of the moms told me
about a product from Avent that you could use to thaw BM--thaws
then keeps it at a certain temp.  I was concerned that the warmth
for thawing and holding at temp might not be good.  Do any of you
know anything about it?
What about a phone number or address for Avent so I can educate
myself about their products.
On the same thought about thawing BM--why would it be bad to thaw
BM in the refrigerator if you can leave it fresh for 6-10 hours
at room temp and have it's antibacterial qualities protect it?
Pat Bucknell
Avon Lake, OH