I got a call from a representative from Wyeth (SMA, Nursoy). She wanted to
come and see the breastfeeding clinic that I work in and to discuss her
company's policies about breastfeeding support. She told me that Wyeth
"belongs to the CODE" and that the company funds over 200 breastfeeding
clinics. I was so shocked at that that I failed to ask where those clinics
are. I am very upset at the idea of commercial baby milk companies funding
breastfeeding clinics. It seems just as ridiculous as a tobacco company
funding an asthma clinic. She told me that many healthcare professionals, in
this time of budget restraint, are only too happy to accept funds to enable
them to keep doing their work and that without these funds many clinics
could not exist. I must admit that the conversation was rather unsettling as
it was a local pediatrician who gave her my name. I could not work in a
clinic funded in this way. What are your thoughts on this? Any good
comebacks? Does anyone know of any Wyeth CODE violations besides giving out
funding to healthcare facilities?

Bill & Jacki Glover            e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Public Access Internet
The University of Lethbridge