Hi all, I need advice. I've been working since April w/ a mom w/a 27 wk
preemie BWT 1 lb 15 oz. Mom has been pumping and has great supply. Baby had
surgery for NEC @ 3 wks of age and has colostomy. This week ,baby is over 3
lbs. Week of June 5-  weaned off continous tube feedings w/ EBM & HMF. Went
to Progestimil  & EBM/HMF by bottle. Week of June 12- Mom has been bfd.2 x's
a day. Baby having problems w/ bradycardia but latches and nurses 4 - 7 min
on at least one breast per day, then mom & staff use EBM w/ HMF for all other
feedings, baby takes this very slowly. This morning we used SNS and baby did
better @ br. & took 1.5 oz in SNS. Mom tells me this afternoon Nurses were
concerned that BM went "right through her without being digested" Dr. rx'd to
restart on progestimil only and wait  to see what happens. Any suggestions on
this would be helpful. I've read the section on preemies and most of this is
common, but would like any help about the shortened bowel and stoma.
- Then I need referrals for an LC , Pro - Breastfeeding neonatalogist and
NICU in Washington,DC. This wonderful families Dad is in the Air Force and is
being transferred to the Pentagon in 6 weeks. Talk about major stress !!  3
yr old, Baby in NICU, selling house and Dad moving . Thanks in advance for
all your insights.