
I am (trying to) coordinate a get-together with folks on the parent-l
mailing list at the LLLI conference.  Perhaps we should try to set up some
kind of meeting area for all of us net-gals at the conference?  I still
hadn't figured out a place or time, not knowing the layout of the hotel or
when a time people wouldn't be busy would be--I was sorta waiting to
receive a program or something.  Guess that won't be coming!

Does anyone have a good suggestion of a time/place to get together?

I'd really like to meet all the people I have been reading about, because
you are giving me such invaluable knowledge--I'd like to thank each and
every one of you in person!

Sue Ann

>Date:    Tue, 13 Jun 1995 08:53:06 EDT
>From:    Melissa Vickers <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Going to Chicago?
>Hi, Lactnetters! I'm one of the ones who's been posting "are you going to
>Chicago?" posts over the last few months. I have a short list (somewhere : ) )
>of folks going, and will be happy to keep the list as it grows. I'm not
>going to
>the Physician's conf, only the main LLL conf and the International Management
>Symposium afterwards.
>Let's get together!
>Melissa Vickers, IBCLC
>[log in to unmask]

Sue Ann Kendall, mother of two small boys, editor, La Leche League Leader,
Prairienet Publications Committee Queen,
E. Central Ill. Breastfeeding Promotion Task Force Chair, 1995-6
[log in to unmask]                        http://www.prairienet.org/~sak