I feel that some kind of sign
>is a HUGE red flag for all those "helpful" personnel who think their way is
>better; you know, those that grab mom's breast and baby's head and force them
>together!!  Those are the staff that I wish would just call me whenever
>someone says "breast"!!
>Kathy Parkes

Just goes to show how dissimilar different institutions can be--Everyone
does just call me whenever someone says "breast."  I have been thinking I
ought to start training the RN's to handle the basic stuff without me.

But you have people who muscle in when you're already helping someone, or
they're already doing fine on their own?

I would love to visit hospitals around the country, to learn from fellow
LC's and to observe different environments.

Arly Helm

[log in to unmask] (Arly Helm, LC)