Dear Phyllys,

Thanks for a question that is again in my field!!! Several comments are
needed to clarify the issues!!!

1.  Salmonella is transmitted usually from person to person (fecal
contamination hand to mouth type).  People can be carriers and shed
Salmonella in their stools without beeing sick.  If they dont whash their
hands well after bathroom they can contaminate others (particular problem
for restaurant employees).  That probably how the baby got it.  It is
true that chickens can lay contaminated eggs.  This should apply to a
well cooked easter egg tough!!!!  Heat destroys salmonella!

2.  Our recommendations are to treat all babies less than 6 months
because they tend to have disseminated disease (in other places than the
bowel) and can die from it.  Older kids and adults with uncomplicated gi
problems are usually not treated because it tends to increase the number
of people who carry the bug but are not sick.  If a child has a more
severe illness then it is customary to treat even if older than 3

3.  If treatment is needed, appropriated antibiotics is the best (usually
somthing like Trim-sulfa or ampicillin).  Diarrhea is NOT treated by
eliminating food!!!!!!!!!  I use pedialyte and related fluids to treat
dehydration but I also continue to feed infants and children in addition
to these fluids.  It is well documented in the litterature that infants
and children do better faster if you keep feeding.  For more info on the
topic I wrote an article summarizing this info for BF abstracts.  Should
come out any time.  I can send you a copy + references if youre

Hope this info helps

Maryelle Vonlanthen, MD
Little Rock AR
The GI hot-line