Hi Karen, Susan, Anne and others:

Best wishes, Anne, with your excellent letter.  I do agree with Martha that 6
stools may be too many.  I have found different stooling patterns all within
normal limits ..i.e  Are five small stools better than two large?  I would
also give a range for voids (6-8).

Susan, in regards to who is best to do the follow up at 3-4 days, it   varies
with each individual locality.  I would trust the OB floor nurse at Baptist
Hosp --who consulted myself and the other hosp LC when in doubt and also
(more than likely) took care of the patient during her hosp stay--over the
local PHN.  Where I currently work, I would trust the PHN (me!) over the OB
nurse at the large teaching hosp where most deliver.

I favor home visits over MD office visits for several reasons: 1) The mom who
is probably tired and sore doesn't have to leave the confines of home and 2)
take the infant to the doctor's office where they may be exposed to who knows
what!? 3) My apologies to the MDs online but there are some peds that I
wouldn't be comfortable with assessing the breastfeeding dyad and I firmly
believe that both mom and baby need to be assessed (and I could tell some
stories as I'm sure many can-like the four day pp mom with the "worst case of
bilateral mastitis" he'd ever seen??!! --Diane