"Nurse-ins" can be effective.  A friend was asked to leave a diner where she
was breastfeeding her 2 week old son while another family was smoking and
cursing unmolested in the non-smoking section.  We gathered up all the nursing
moms we knew and decended on this doomed place at Sunday brunch.  We all
ordered inexpensive items, then enjoyed being together, nursing our babies and
toddlers as neccessary.  On the way out, we confronted the manager who had
evicted our friend.  He turned very red and found urgent business in the
basement.  We physically blocked his exit until he listened to our
"breastfeeding is not pornographic" spiel.  His associate apologized
profusely, saying "My wife did that..."  Bet they'll never say a word to a
bfing mother again!
Catherine Watson Genna, IBCLC  (troublemaker extraordinaire).