Thank-you to all those who responded to my question re: nerve damage last
week.  This is what I see.

I believe this mother had (has) a breast infection.  Perhaps brought on from
systemic thrush irritating the ducts and causing them to plug easily.

She is on Dyclox now and is feeling somewhat better although her yeast
symptoms are increasing as the infection symptoms decrease.  She is having a
lot of shooting pains now and her nipples are pinker and more tender.  She is
also complaining of puffiness in one breast.  Sounds like edema to me but I
haven't seen it.  No masses, lumps, plugs, redness or anything to indicate

I talked with her last night and she was very receptive to begin treating the
yeast with some of the treatments available over the counter.  Baby has no
white patches in mouth or rash on bottom to indicate she has thrush.

This is also a very allergic mother with a long history of multiple food
allergies and eczema.   We discussed avoiding the most common allergens for a
trial period to see if baby's suck will improve and if this is perhaps
exacerbating the symptoms.  I asked her to call me today so we could see more
about the puffiness in the left breast.  Curious.

Mother does experience relief when the baby is on well and feeds well.
 Unfortunatley baby doesn't feel well often.  She is off and on, tugs and
pulls even when the milk is plentiful.  Weight gain is no problem.

What happens is yeast is treated systemically at the same time as antibiotics
are being taken?  Does this work?

Anybody ever hear of this puffiness?

Denise Parker, BA, IBCLC