MHS:   Source date is:     12-Jun-95 11:30:00 -0300 EDT

======== Original Message ========
Breastfeeding: a feminist issue  - where can I find this article?????

Help!  I've seen this article listed on various web sites, but whenever I
to access it - it is unavailable.  It is one of the articles posted between
april 28 and may28 from WABA.  If someone could send it to me, I would be
forever grateful.

Breastfeeding from the feminist perspective is one of my
soapboxes.   If you know of other articles or references on the topic please
send them my way, or let me know where I can find them.


Mary-Anne Taylor
North Vancouver, B.C.
======== Fwd by: Judy Canahuat ========
If Mary-Anne will give me her full address, we can send her some copies.
This is a briefing paper that Wellstart prepared for the Prep Com for
Beijing.  WABA also has an action folder on BF as a feminist issue that was
originally written by Penny Van Esterik.  La Leche League International
distributes most of the WABA action folders in the US.  You can write to
them c/o Rebecca Magalhaes.  You can also ask for the WABA action folder
directly from them from Penang.

But please send me your mailing address.  We don't have the text in postable

Judy Canahuati
[log in to unmask]
Fax 202-298-7988
Telephone: 202-298-7979