A woman called with sudden onset of mastitis.  She has been taking low
doses of aspirin prophylactically, she wasn't sure why but felt it was
probably to prevent a recurrence of blood clots in the legs.  Does anyone
feel that the aspirin (or alternatively, a clot) could be part of the
picture with sudden onset of mastitis (no plugged ducts before, but a
definite plug the day of the mastitis--couldn't uncover any other "typical"
cause for her mastitis--damage, fatigue, poor diet, etc., although of
course *something* precipitated it.  In just a matter of hours she went
from feeling well, with no plugs or any other nipple or breast problems, to
having full-blown mastitis, with fever, feeling terrible, hard red area on
her breast, etc.  Just wonder if the aspirin ingestion over 2 months' time
could possibly have any role.  I don't know the physiological mechanism of
its anticoagulant activity and so can't extrapolate to possible changes in
other cellular structures.

Arly Helm

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