One of my most challenging mother-baby dyads in the past year was
a darling little plethoric girl who came out sucking her tongue, and
really never learned to enjoy breastfeeding.  There were (as always!)
a few other challenges with this pair.  But it was the first time in my
12 year career that I could not get a baby to nurse at the breast (she
would finger feed), so I'm wondering if there's anything else we could
have tried.
        Among the things we tried (I'm at school and don't have my
notes!) were "tongue down and out"-type exercises (from Susan maher's
excellent info), using multi-textured toys, etc. to encourage her to
explore the world outside her mouth with that tongue, finger feeding with
a temp SNS...placing the finger properly pad up, then pad down and
attempting to place the breast properly.
        I haven't seen any discussions of tongue suckers here yet.  We
only do about 350 births a year and I'd say I see or talk to at least 8
moms a year (and I sure don't talk to all of them.).
        What say you, experts?      Dawn Kersula, FACCE,IBCLC   Vermont