Hi all,

The issue of hospital privileges for an LC can be a sticky one depending on
the hospital.  I learned the hard way, as the hospital where I was employed
as a staff nurse 3-11 would NOT let me see mothers & babies for the pediatric
practice as an LC!  It was OK to touch babies at 3:00, but not at 2:30 in my
LC hat.  I had to jump through a few hoops before I was allowed.  Could see
the mothers during visiting hours (this was a few years ago), but not touch
the babies.  I did go through the proper channels, and now is no problem
(hasn't been for years), but am always careful to caution new LCs to go in to
nursing administration with CV and proposal in hand in order to get the right
to work with moms & babies.  Now that general visiting any time any place is
OK for moms & everyone in the world can touch the baby, I don't think it
makes much difference.  However, you want to be able to make notations on the
chart if necessary, so you will need to make the appropriate noises and go
the appropriate route.  Again, depends on hospital and their particular
protocols.  Keep in mind that sometimes it is better to ask forgiveness than
ask permission - you get farther - but sometimes you can really screw it up
for yourself.  So, play the game.....

Jan B.

Pardee -

Thanks for the "adapted syringe".  We could also call it an adhesion
releaser, I guess, but is that what it does?  Thanks too for the protocol.
 (Or lack of it....  :)
