Becky, I also feel this topic deserves a lot more study. It is truly sad
that interventions are performed for no reason, although in the case of
meconium, there is cause to suction.  I feel as though babies and mothers
and others in hospital settings are often guinea pigs for folks who are
learning. I was once one, so I know. I used to work pediatrics....would have
to hold for IVs for infants....residents would try and try and
try..sometimes for hours. I finally would put my size 10 down and say "OK
buddy, that's enough. Get someone else in here who wants to try. You're
done." much for patient rights.


>I truely feel that this is an interesting topic that needs further in
>vestigation.  Especially since some hospitals in their attempt to be
>through do gastric lavage on ALL babies born in their hospital.
>I will be sitting at the computer waiting to hear more about this since
>this is something childbirth educator and a La Leche League should be
>concerned about.
>Becky Hanson, BA, LLLI, AAHCC, ICEA & MOM X 2


Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC (email = [log in to unmask])
"All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is
violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident." Schoepenhouer