To Fiona,

>Are these the small white spots that look rather like pimples, and appear
>on baby's face for the first 6 or so weeks of life? If so, they are known
>as milk spots in my part of the world, and appear to be related to hormonal
>changes partly via mum, and partly of the baby's making. I have seen them
>continue for up to 6 months of age, and our local dermo compared them with
>adolescent acne. (I hope I'm not barking up the wrong tree here!).
Sorry, no they aren't "miliaria"(obstuction of the ducts of the sweat
glands commonly seen on the nose in neonates) nor are thet infantile acne.
 They are raised red bumps similar in appearance to "hives".  They are
seen on the trunk and exremities mostly with sometimes a few on the face.

This is getting frustrating! Help, Sue Moxley!  I know you know what I'm
talking about.

******Joan M. Fisher, RN, BN, MEd, IBCLC******
***********Ottawa, Ontario, Canada************
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