Dear 'netters:  The only antihistamine listed as "use with caution" on
the AAP Committee on Drugs in Human Milk (Pediatrics Vol 93 No. 1,
Jan.1994,pp137-50) is clemastine(tavist), because of one case report of a
baby with side effects.  Unfortunately, some of the common antihistamines
including prescription ones are not listed in this publication at all,
and I don't have Briggs handy, so I'll leave that area to the pharmacists
(or perhaps calling one of the "hotlines" previously referred to on
lactnet might help).  However, I do wish to comment on the issue on the
need for antihistamines in cases of ear infections.  To my knowledge,
this is not proven to help in many cases.  If it is shown that allergy is
at the root of the congestion, then a very reasonable alternative is an
intranasal steroid spray, since there is virtually no absorption into the
mother's bloodstream.  In a nursing mother, where effects of
antihistamines on the baby are not known, this would likely be a
preferable way to treat.  Alicia.  [log in to unmask]