Segev Levy <[log in to unmask]> writes:
Hi Judy
I have one reference here from 1991 related to lipoproteins (haven't seen
the paper, but it is quoted in a very useful little booklet called
'Breastfeeding Advantaged for Developed Nations, by Maureen Minchin)
The reference is:
Hromadove M, Skultetyova M, Randuskova A et al. Lipoprotein profiles in
6 year old children breastfed for different periods of time. Cesk Pediatr
1991; 46:91-3. Hope you can track this down :)

 does anyone know of any more recent relevant studies
>linking bfing and cardiac disease protection? If I can intrigue
>him sufficiently, there is a good chance of some interesting
>research being done. Thanks, one and all. Judy Knopf