IBCLE has done amazing things in 10 years.  I have no doubts they they
are continuing to grow and change as needed.  I would encourage everyone
offer input on this subject as it is our profession and will be shaped by
us.  This covers the LC - nonLC discussion as well as the credentials for
examination.  With 100 LACTNETers, i'm sure we have a voice and can
suggest some recommendations.  This is a wonderful forum for this.
I am concerned about the minimum requirements for eligibility, I don't
have a solution.  I am aware of an individual who is an IBCLC by
academics alone.  She is mature enough to know her limitations, but her
clinical skills she even knows were weak, but sufficient - she's equally
as concerned.
Please keep commenting on these subjects.
Robin Hollen, RN, IBCLC