my experience is with fenugreek as a galactogue, sage for reduction or
sensation of breastmilk production and calendula for wound healing.
     I recommend 2-4 cups of fenugreek a day depending on the situatuation. I
only do this with mothers that I see in my practice....this means that I have
watched a feed, usually two, and done a full assessment and history.
     I recently had a mother who chose to stop lactating...she had two
hospitalizations with bi -lateral mastitis. her md suggested parlodel and was
willing after we spoke for us to use a combination of reduced pumping and
sage tea.
     I recommend calendula - gel rather than suspended in vasoline,
for cracked or sore nipple when I am  concerned about yeast...
     Herbals are used in the U.K. with greater frequency than the states and
that is where I find some of my references.
