Hi, everyone:  Karen Dettwyler's comments about the timeline with breast
cancer rates were interesting.  I would add another dimension.  After the
Newcomb article appeared in New England Journal of Medicine (I believe
Jan.1994), demonstrating reduced breast cancer but only premenopausal, a
letter appeared subsequently responding with a possible reason why
postmenopausal women did not have protection.  The author suggested that
women currently postmenopausal probably breastfed at a time when
arbitrary schedules were routinely imposed (e.g. 4-hour intervals between
feeds) and that such breastfeeding may not be protective.

As for hospital discharge packs, I'd like to hear more on practical and
feasible ways to make breastfeeding-friendly packs.  The suggestions have
been great, but all this stuff takes money.  How do you get funding to
provide these alternative packs?