Having not seen this article, I may be speaking out of turn. My concern
about the mention of bottle teats (any kind, regardless of their redeeming
features) by an LC implies a degree of marketing of products. When this
impression is left, what distinguishes LCs from other caregivers who give
out all kinds of samples of baby gifts? Is that really what LCs want
mothres/readers to remember?  Perhaps the author(s) could share some
informationa bout what was actually written, and how it was presented.

         %% "We are all faced with a series of great  %%
         %% opportunities brilliantly disguised as    %%
         %% impossible situations" - definition of a  %%
         %% lactation consulting service.             %%
         %% Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC          %%
         %% [log in to unmask]   Homewood, Illinois USA %%