The studies I have read that pertain to nicotine report SHORTER
breastfeeding when mothers smoke. Nicotine appears to result in a decline
in prolactin release.  Often the babies appear to have GI problems as well.

What you are discussing suggests that the babies too may get some kind of
kick from nicotine and when the nicotine is no longer in the milk (it does
pass), they weaned.  Interesting.

         %% "We are all faced with a series of great  %%
         %% opportunities brilliantly disguised as    %%
         %% impossible situations" - definition of a  %%
         %% lactation consulting service.             %%
         %% Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC          %%
         %% [log in to unmask]   Homewood, Illinois USA %%