Dear Judy (forgive last message addressed to Segev),
Having worked with frustrating hospital policy for 3 years now my best advise
is to just keep plugging away. Drop of articles from the medical literature.
Enlist any RN or MD friends and keep plugging.  In my hospital I was told
that all mothers had to go home with formula "in case something happened to
mom". I received a small grant to provide breastfeeding discharge packs(no
formula included) and it has been distributed by the nursing staff without
any problems. Good luck.
*  Deena Zimmerman MD MPH                          *
*  Department of Pediatrics                        *
*  UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School        *
*  1 RWJ Place                                     *
*  New Brunswick, NJ 08903                         *
*                                                  *
*      phone (908) 235-7248                        *
*      fax   (908) 235-7345                        *
*      email  [log in to unmask] (internet)        *