Dear Joan,

I have never heard of protein spots. (I'd be curious how they got their
name!!)  I will ask around to see if anyone has any ideas.  Sounds like some
sort of dermatitis to me--maybe the babies are allergic to the antiseptic
stuff they get washed with or something that is in the cloth (in the
hospital)  that comes in contact with their skin.  It would seem to me that
if a lack of protein (colostrum is rich in protein although low in volume)
caused spotting that malnourished people would also have similar skin
manifestations of protein nutriture.  I am not aware that they do (other than
decubitus ulcers which do not sound at all related).  Very interesting

Martha Brower
Kettering, OH (Named for Charles Kettering--they guy who invented the
electric starter for the car--otherwise we'd still be crankin')