> A general question for anyone-
> WHat are the pros and cons of treating prophylacticly for yeast in the
> mother with a history of yeast infections (nipple) who is on antibiotics
> for a mastitis?
> Would it be beneficial? recommended, I don't think there are disadvantages
> Robin

Good question! I stop short of recommending treatments prophylactically,
but I do counsel the mother to guard her diet while on the antibiotics:
Avoid much sugar, fruit juices, yeasty foods; eat live-culture yogurt if
no milk problems hx, possibly use supplements such as Yeast-guard, garlic
capsules, acidophilus, lactobaccillus, caprillic acid. And then I coach
her in the symptoms and aske her to call me *immediately* if anything
crops up. I don't want to be too aggressive or perceived as such, unless
the mom "always" gets thrush when on antibiotics, etc. Honestly, though,
nystatin is pretty innocuous to my knowledge, but I have heard talk
recently of "super strains" of yeast that are resistant, and I don't want
to contribute to any such thing by over use of any treatment.

Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC                                /  [log in to unmask]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant    /  [log in to unmask]
