At our hospital, the LCs have decided to put together our own breastfeeding
discharge packet.  We have contacted baby clothing companies, diaper
companies, etc. and gotten free catalogs to include.  We called the local
utility company and were given thousands of the wall plug protecters.  We
have begged for cloth bags to put everything in from several companies and
are awaiting word now.  And we pull the bra pads out of the formula packs to
add!  That way there is no extra charge to the hospital. We include the baby
lotion/shampoo/powder packs that are free samples to the hospital.  We have
asked the hospital to spring for advertising costs in the form of a refrig
magnet with a pro-breastfeeding logo and helpline number, as well as the
hospital logo.  Finding the low-to-no cost items wasn't difficult and at
least gives us the alternative to the ABM bags.  A LLL Leader in town has
volunteered to put together envelopes of free and discount coupons for
mother-owned businesses that are breastfeeding friendly.  These will include
dollars-off of pump rentals and consults from my private practice as well.

Kathy Parkes, RN, IBCLC
San Antonio, TX.