RECOMMENDING A REALLY POOR PUMP (poor outcome, high likelihood of causing
trama) is a potentailly litigious issue for hospital-based people. You
might mention this to someone whomight listen.

Again--soapbox time--one of the best ways to get hospitals to insist that
LCs become certified is to have patients COMPLAINT LOUDLY about the poor
care/non-care they received and that next time they will go ONLY to a
hospital with IBCLC-certified LCs.

         %% "We are all faced with a series of great  %%
         %% opportunities brilliantly disguised as    %%
         %% impossible situations" - definition of a  %%
         %% lactation consulting service.             %%
         %% Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC          %%
         %% [log in to unmask]   Homewood, Illinois USA %%