There IS data on breast cancer and breastfeeding. In fact, most of the
research studies that ahve looked at this have shown a strong statistically
significant relationship. The longer the mother breastfed during her
childberairng career, the lower the likelihood she will have premenopausal
breats cancer. The protection declines markedly for postmenopausal breast

Perhaps what you mean is discussions meant for the mass media. You are
right; one of the most obvious health preventive behaviors is completely
ignored when bf. cancer is discussed.

In this regard, in Feb. 1995, Rush did a one-day program on breast cancer
and breastfeeding to RAVE reviews. We plan to repeat it in expanded two-day
form. Look for information on this in journals you read, etc.

         %% "We are all faced with a series of great  %%
         %% opportunities brilliantly disguised as    %%
         %% impossible situations" - definition of a  %%
         %% lactation consulting service.             %%
         %% Kathleen G. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC          %%
         %% [log in to unmask]   Homewood, Illinois USA %%