Is it christian opposition or generation gap?
I remember an elderly woman in my church who critized me for nursing my son
beyond a year. She asked me if I knew that little boys got erections when
they nursed. I am afraid I was rather impolite in my responce: They do when
they have to urinate too, what does that have to do with anything? I later
learned that although she was raised on a farm when she married and
discovered that she was pregnant she didn't even know how she got that way.
When she asked her doctor how the baby would get out he told her not to worry
he'd take care of it. Needless to say perhaps these christian letter writers
need an education.
Is it indecent?
I think that *western* society (not christianity) has made exposure of the
breast indecent. Take all the girly mags for example. My husband traveled
extensively as a military brat and tells me that he saw women nursing in
every country he visited except the good ol USA  and not shyly as we do here.

Is it immoral?
From all the references to nursing in the bible, it seems to me it is immoral
not to nurse your child where ever and whenever. To deny a hungry child
because of some law is unthinkable.
I seem to recall a case (Dike case in Illinois?) that went to the supreme
court. I believe they said an infant has a constitutionally protected right
to breastfeed. Any lawyers out there? Maybe these state laws can get a boost
from that case. Seems ludricious to me that we need to pass laws that allow
BF in public in the first place.