A book that I have drawn from extensively is BREASTFEEDING SUCCESS FOR
WORKING MOTHERS by Marilyn Grams, MD. She writes as a mother, not as an
MD with a special knowledge, but shares her experience in how to
breastfeed under even difficult circumstances, ie. her residency. She has
two concepts that I often use: the Babymoon, and Reverse Cycling
(encouraging baby to nurse often at night and take longer sleep during
day while mom is gone). I have the original edition, which has some
errors from my view and outdated info, but the newer one that I saw has
made corrections. The basic storage info was out of date, but it's those
two concepts that I really like this book for, plus it is very easy
reading. I have shared it with many mothers who all liked it, and I find
it easier to get through than Dana's book, as good as it is. It's worth
checking out.

Lisa A. Marasco, IBCLC                                /  [log in to unmask]
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant    /  [log in to unmask]
