With mom's who di not breastfeed the first few days I am concerned that they
will not get things going by themselves well at home. In a culture where
everyone breastfeeds, then starting 2 days late probably doesn't matter
(although it would be interesting to know what is done in there country
before the advent of formula. However, in our country and its ubiquitous
bottles, I am more worried. What is peoples experience? The mothers I work
with don't conplain about the color of the colostrunm. They ust routinely
tell me they don't have milk
*  Deena Zimmerman MD MPH                          *
*  Department of Pediatrics                        *
*  UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School        *
*  1 RWJ Place                                     *
*  New Brunswick, NJ 08903                         *
*                                                  *
*      phone (908) 235-7248                        *
*      fax   (908) 235-7345                        *
*      email  [log in to unmask] (internet)        *