Hi all. Just a note about what to do when you go on vacation, etrc.  Please
save in some safe place for future needs. If you don't setyourself either
NoMAIL or UNSUBSCRIBE, you will get full mailboxes, and will be
automatically, by computer, deleted.  The system does this on its own.  It
also fills our mailboxes with error messages. : (



 It seems like a good time to
remind all of you to turn off your subscription if you are taking
vacation, or will just be away from your email for more than a few days.

Please take a moment to review the following posting. As an alternative
to the Nomail command, you may simply unsubscribe by sending the command
UNSUBSCRIBE LACTNET, and then just resubscribe when you return.  The net
result is the same. It'll save us the burden of doing it for you when/if
your mailbox overflows and LISTSERV is unable to deliver to you.

Thanks for your help.

Kathleen Bruce
Kathleen Auerbach



       Set Lactnet Nomail

      Unsubscribe Lactnet

When you return from vacation, you can turn yourself back on by sending:

       Set Lactnet Mail           (If you're using the Digest, then
                                    substitute Digest in place of Mail)
                                               ******             ****

To re-subscribe:

      Subscribe Lactnet Jane Doe

IF your name is Jane Doe. ;-)

If you'd like to review the Lactnet  postings you missed while you were on
vacation, you can send the following commands to LISTSERV, substituting the
appropriate weeks or months :

* -------------------------- clip here -----------------------------------*
Here's the usual sequence for getting a log file:  First, send the command
which will produce a listing of all files available for LACTNET, like this:
* Archive files for the LACTNET list at LIBRARY.UMMED.EDU
* (weekly logs)
*                             rec               last - change
* filename filetype   GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs   date     time
* -------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- --------
  LACTNET  LOG9502    LOG OWN V      80  2843 95/03/09 09:56:55
  LACTNET  LOG9503    LOG OWN V     137  5174 95/03/31 14:51:30
  LACTNET  LOG9504    LOG OWN V     203  7959 95/04/22 16:20:52
  LACTNET  LOG9504D   LOG OWN V      80   205 95/04/23 08:50:07
Then, send a command GET LACTNET LOGxxxxx to get the relevant log file:

GET LACTNET LOG9504D would get the fourth week of April
GET LACTNET LOG9504 would get April (entire month)
GET LACTNET LOG9503 would get the entire month of March


Thanks.  Lactnet co owners.


Kathleen B. Bruce RN, BSN, IBCLC (email = [log in to unmask])
"All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is
violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident." Schoepenhouer