Re message:>
>I have seen a similar video presented by Anne-Marie Widstrom (a Swedish
>midwife researcher) which also shows a baby getting to the breast unaided,
>and also demonstrates a baby and mother in Russia, baby hadn't been feeding
>well at all until it was unswaddled and put on mum's chest - tears from mum
>(and audience) as baby managed to get to the breast unaided. I think it
>showed a mum and baby in the bath together managing to do the same thing.
>The video I saw had Swedish commentary, but the pictures really spoke for
>themselves. Not sure how you would get hold of this video. Has anyone
>else seen this?

I saw this video when I visited Anne-Marie in Stockholm in 1990.  I'm
quite sure you can order it from Anne-Marie at the Nursing Research Unit,
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.  Photos from the video are in the
article "Gastric Suction in Healthy Newborn Infants - Effects on
Circulation and Developing Feeding Behaviour". ACTA PAEDIATR SCAND
76:566-572, 1987. All of Anne-Marie's and her team's research work is
fascinating and this particular video is especially impressive.  I'm
pretty sure it is now available with English subtitles.

******Joan M. Fisher, RN, BN, MEd, IBCLC******
***********Ottawa, Ontario, Canada************
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