Hello there!
Thank you for the opportunity to join such exaulted company! I had the
pleasure of meeting Kathleen Auerbach on her last trip to Australia and
attending one of her very informative seminars on LWG and sucking problems
in newborns.

I am a IBCLC qualified in 1992. My background is not in nursing, I came
through the Nursing Mothers Association of Australia as a lay counsellor.
This is the 2nd largest voluntary womens group in Australia and has been in
operation for over 30 years, similar to LLL, it supports mothers who wish to
breastfeed through voluntary counsellors in the community and is probably
responsible for the very high breastfeeding rates in Australia; one of the
highest in the western world I believe.
I have 2 girls, 9 and 5. Both of whom are incredibly informed about
breastfeeding and could probably give very accurate breastfeeding
information if needed!
My husband is an academic medical doctor. He is Professor of Medical
Informatics, which is why I have all this technology free of charge, sitting
in my home! He is also a ER Doctor in his spare time and often uses the
breastfeeding knowledge he has gleaned from me over the years!
I have been in private practise for nearly 3 years. I am unusual, here, in
that most LC,s in Australia are nurse or physician trained and therefore
work in hospitals, medical clinics or baby health care centres (run by our
government health scheme). I get mothers referred to me from all the above
people who often do not have the time to work intensly with mothers needing
breastfeeding help. I visit them in their homes, sometimes in the hospital,
and spend as long as necessary, then following up over many phone calls and
sometimes another visit. Unfortunately this service is only available to
mothers who have the finances to pay as there is no medical rebate for
breastfeeding here. Needless to say we are trying to get recognition and in
the meantime a considerable part of my practice is voluntary.
I am posting a web page on my private practice which should be up and
running after this weekend and will also have a page under Monash
University. The address will be
in the meantime I look forward to being able to exchange information as
being in private practice can be quite an solitary life downunder!