Bravo for a well-said piece on the (insignificant) role of personal
experience in lactation management knowledge and skills! It's a keeper for my
files. Is it OK with you, Dr. Williams if I print your message and share it
with professional colleagues?

Physicians are not the only health professionals who should take your message
to heart. I can think of several excellent RN-IBCLCs who have never
breastfed. Likewise, I can think of nurse colleagues who have negative
attitudes and poor knowledge/skills after some kind of personal experience.
Also, a number abdicate their responsibility to care for nursing couples
simply because they have never breastfed. Would I not take care of an ostomy
patient or a diabetic simply because I've no experience with either of those
conditions? Absurd!

Uh, oh--I feel another soapbox coming on. Anyway, thanks for putting into
written words what so many of us think or say.
