Have you read: Sepkoski, CM, Lester, BM, Ostheimer, GW & Brazelton, TB
(1992). The effects of maternal epidural anesthesia on neonatal behavior
during the first month. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, vol. 34,
pg. 1072-1080? (If you have fax access, e-mail me the number and I'll send
it.) It makes a good case that a significant number of infants experience
negative neuromuscular consequences related to bupivacaine epidural--one of
the long-acting epi meds. I worked L&D in the 70's in hospitals that did a
number of episBUT they weren't given then until 6-7 cms. dilatation and
xylocaine was used--redosing was neede every 45-90 minutes. We didn't see the
number of goko kids who just can't get their mouths to work right like we do

Also, add to the epi the sore throat many infants have after ROUTINE
intubation with deep suction below the vocal cords for ANY meconium staining
AND the time they spend under radiant warmers which are "sucking" the fluid
out of them the whole time and making them feel like they've been lying in
the sun for awhile (I know I feel pretty lethargic after lying in the sun)
and we wonder why they don't want to eat and don't pee?

Talk to health professionals practicing in rural areas or near reservations
where they don't have all this fancy high-tech stuff and you'll find they
rarely see lethargic full term, allegedly normal newborns.

Good luck with your testimony. It's great that you are doing this.
