This is the third try to send this message out. to ya all

jan and I must be on the same wave length. re sandoz and the no longer
available wonder drugs
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Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 01:36:29 -0400
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Subject: food for thought drug=formula co

I think it is highly interesting that within 6 months of Sandoz buying Gerber
that Syntocinon (oxytocin) nasal spray is no longer being made in that form.
 Not enough demand for it???  I suspect it is purely a polical move. Anyone
else agree with me on this point.  Just as more people are becoming aware
that a medication like this might be helpful in special situations, it
disappears, coincidence??? I think not.

On another note:  The formula companies are everywhere. Had a local baby show
last weekend &  nice breastfeeding advertorial in the supplement about the
show.  Never guess who also put in a story on the back side of the
breastfeeding & working (last page center placement) good start formula
titled "Doctors Recomend..."  Look out their everywhere.  I'm sure I'm not
just parinoid anymore.

Anne Norton-Krawciw, RPh,IBCLC (the pharmacist)
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